
NeuroNet AI DePin


leader in Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure (AI DePIN)

NeuroNet Whitepaper

NeuroNet   is a decentralized high-performance GPU computing network that can scale infinitely. Its goal is to become the most widely used GPU computing infrastructure in the AI+Web3 era worldwide.   Established in 2023, NeuroNet-Foundation and Com2000 USA jointly promote the development of NeuroNet AI .The NeuroNet Blockchain  and the GPU computing mainnet of NeuroNet is currently under development stage.


Benefit from enhanced reliability and performance through our decentralized global network of infrastructure providers.

Revenue Sharing

Earn revenue by holding VPS and participating in our innovative AI & Computing Marketplace.

Use Cases

Our AI DePin is built to provide AI and Machine Learning applications and advanced scientific research. We are built for complex tasks such as 3D rendering and blockchain development.  


AI and Machine Learning

Training complex artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models, especially deep learning algorithms. These models require immense computational resources to process and learn from vast amounts of data. GPUs, with their parallel processing capabilities, can significantly reduce the time required for training and inference, thus accelerating the development and deployment of AI applications in areas such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics.


Scientific Computing and Simulation

Scientific computing tasks, including simulations, modeling, and analysis in fields like physics, chemistry, biology, and climate science. These applications often involve processing complex mathematical models and large datasets to simulate physical phenomena, analyze genetic sequences, or model climate changes over time. GPUs offer the parallel processing power needed to perform these calculations more efficiently than traditional CPUs, enabling more detailed simulations and faster results.


3D Rendering and Graphics Processing

Creation of 3D content, including video games, animated films, and architectural visualizations. These applications require substantial graphical processing power to render high-quality images and animations. GPUs are specifically designed to handle these types of tasks, making them ideal for rendering workloads. They can significantly reduce rendering times, support more complex scenes, and facilitate real-time rendering and interactive design processes.

Blockchain & Cryptomining

Blockchains require substantial computational power for performing complex cryptographic calculations necessary for mining cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as for validating and securing transactions on the network. GPUs, with their ability to perform parallel operations, are well-suited for this task, providing the necessary horsepower to efficiently solve the cryptographic puzzles that are a fundamental aspect of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency mining. This makes GPU-enabled VMs a popular choice for individuals and organizations involved in the mining process, seeking to optimize their operations and maximize returns.


AI Application Infrastructure

GPUs have become a critical and rapidly expanding part of the global technology market. With the Al boom, the demand for high-performance GPUs has surged, significantly outpacing supply. This growth in demand for GPUs, essential for Al development and operations, has led to a notable scarcity, impacting both costs and availability. Despite the high demand, this scarcity has created challenges in procurement, affecting various sectors reliant on these technologies (e.g. Al, Gaming, loT etc). Whilst growth in the sector remains robust, the market is signalling decelerating advancements across these industries if this issue isn’t addressed.
These overarching patterns have sparked considerable discussion regarding the impact of major Al advancement and the capability of the semiconductor industry. In particular, the growth rate of Large Language Model (LLM) complexity, like ChatGPT, appears to be exponential whereas GPU chipset advancements remain linear. In light of these circumstances, and not discounting the geopolitical relevance of semiconductor manufacturing, it is critical to look to alternative solutions to address the computing shortage and support the expanding growth of GPU reliant sectors like Al and gaming.
NeuroNet offers a disruptive, yet highly amenable solution to this complex, global issue. Our network aggregates and intelligently redistributes new and idle GPUs from enterprises, data centres, cryptocurrency mining operations and consumers. With the average US Data Centre GPU utilization rate being only 10-15%, the market opportunity to better redistribute GPU capacity is extensive. NeuroNet‘s solution will provide increased access to current supply, de-risk new investments, and has the capability to >10x current global GPU compute availability.

Anyone can build their own GPU cloud service platform based on NeuroNet .


AI Training

AI training refers to using large amounts of data and algorithms to train neural networks. The purpose of training is to obtain a model that can make predictions, namely the weights and parameters of the neural network. It is estimated that by 2024, the market size of GPU servers for AI training will reach $12 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 25% over the next 5 years.


AI Inference

AI inference refers to using trained neural networks to analyze and predict new data. The purpose of inference is to use the trained model to infer various conclusions from new data, namely the output and results of the neural network. It is estimated that by 2024, the market size of GPU servers for AI inference will reach $8 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 35% over the next 5 years.


Cloud Gaming

Cloud gaming services allow games to be rendered and processed through cloud-based GPU servers, and then stream the game images to players’ devices. Cloud gaming allows any AAA game to run on any device. The cloud gaming market is growing rapidly, with an estimated market size of $20.93 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 45.5%.

Visual Rendering:

Visual rendering solutions are mainly applied in the fields of movies and 3D animation. The global market size was $723.7 million in 2023, and is expected to grow rapidly at a compound annual growth rate of 17.3%, reaching $3.57 billion by 2033.

Why Choose Us?

Anyone can build their own GPU cloud service platform based on Neuro .


Privacy Protection

Protect users’ privacy by hiding user information through wallet addresses.


Low Cost

Save 70% of GPU rental costs compared to AWS.


Powerful API

Our powerful API enables seamless integration and customization, giving you flexible control over GPU rental and leasing.


Earn Rewards

Building your own cloud GPU platform based on Neuro can apply for funding from the Neuro Council Treasury and receive support.


Open Source and License-Free

Any cloud platform can build its own GPU cloud service platform based on Neuro .Serve specific customer domains without a license.


Unlimited Scalability

Cloud platforms based on an infinitely scalable computing power network can serve large enterprise customers without worrying about GPU shortages.

What is GPU?

GPU, short for Graphics Processing Unit, is a specialized computing unit designed for tasks related to graphics and video processing. Unlike CPUs (Central Processing Units), GPUs are designed specifically for parallel processing of large amounts of data.


High Parallel Performance

GPUs are composed of hundreds or thousands of small cores, allowing them to process a large amount of data simultaneously. For example, when rendering 3D graphics, each core can independently process a pixel or a vertex, significantly increasing processing speed.


Graphics Optimization

Originally designed to accelerate graphics rendering, GPUs are efficient at handling tasks related to images and videos, such as texture mapping and lighting calculations.


Wide Range of Applications

While GPUs were initially designed for gaming and professional graphics design, they are now also crucial in many other fields, especially in artificial intelligence and machine learning.Gaming and Artificial Intelligence


leader in Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure (AI DePIN) powered by high-performance computing HPC infrastructure. NeuroNet Whitepaper 

Why Do We Need GPUs?

The high parallel processing capability of GPUs makes them excel in handling graphics-intensive tasks and large-scale data processing tasks, making them indispensable in gaming and artificial intelligence fields.

Currently, the market value of the GPU chip leader NVIDIA exceeds $1 trillion, which is six times that of the CPU chip leader Intel, indicating a huge demand for GPUs, far exceeding that of CPUs.


Games and modern gaming typically involve complex 3D graphics and physics simulations. These tasks require extensive parallel processing, making the powerful graphics processing capabilities of GPUs highly suitable. Using GPUs can achieve smoother gaming experiences and higher graphical fidelity.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

In the field of artificial intelligence, especially in deep learning, handling large amounts of data and performing complex mathematical computations are required. These computing tasks are often para




Content about NeuroNet AI on this site is for educational purposes only and not intended as investment or financial advice. Engaging in transactions involving NeuroNet AI or its associated products carries inherent risks. The value of NeuroNet AI is subject to volatility and market fluctuations, with no assured profit or return on investment. Factors such as market trends, governmental regulations, and technological advancements may influence the token’s valuation. The NeuroNet AI team disclaims all liability for any potential losses incurred.  Given the inherent volatility of cryptocurrency markets, we strongly advise consultation with a qualified financial advisor prior to undertaking any transactions. This notice is subject to modification without prior announcement. NeuroNet Team.

NeuroNet Tokenomics : Value of Neuro Token

There are a total of 10 billion Neuro tokens, with a fixed supply that will never increase. The entire supply will be issued over approximately 100 years.
The Neuro token is the only token in the NeuroNet  network.
Every time a user rents GPU, they need to purchase Neuro tokens from exchanges or other sources, and then pay a certain amount of Neuro to the NeuroNet  network to obtain the right to use GPU.
Neuro  follows a deflationary model. When the total number of GPUs in the NeuroNet network is within 5,000, 30% of the user’s rental fees are destroyed. When it exceeds 5,000, 70% are destroyed, and when it exceeds 10,000, 100% are destroyed.
The Neuro paid by users needs to be purchased from exchanges or other sources. Each time a user rents GPU, the circulating supply of Neuro in the market decreases.
Neuro POS super nodes need to stake Neuro for block rewards. The current total amount of Neuro staked in the entire network is 1,120,000,000, accounting for 20% of the total issued Neuro .
Miners need to stake Neuro to provide GPUs. Each card requires a stake of 100,000 Neuro or the equivalent of up to $800 in Neuro . This means that the more GPUs there are in the FoxAiBlockchain network, the more Neuro will be staked. The current total amount of Neuro  staked by GPU miners in the entire network is 130,000,000, accounting for 2.2% of the total issued Neuro .
Neuro Token is the governance token of NeuroNet .
The NeuroNet Council DAO selects 21 council members every 4 months from all candidates.
Candidates with the highest number of Neuro token votes among the top 21 can be elected.
Each Neuro token equals one vote.
The Council DAO collectively manages the treasury funds to support the ecosystem development of NeuroNet .
Token Economic ModelCurrent Daily Issuance of Neuro GPU Computing Power Rewards: 1,000,000 coins, NeuroNet Mainnet POS Nodes Output Daily: 222,000 coinsUsage Category Subtotal Amount (Billion) Circulation (Billion) To Be Released (Billion) NoteEarly Sale 15% 15% 1.5 1.5 Sold to professional investors or AI companies for DBC ecosystem service usage rights

Investment Institutions and Partners

Development History & Roadmap


The NeuroNet project was initiated, setting goals, visions, and the direction of technological architectureCompletion of fundraising


Neuro Token list on Leading exchangesNeuro computing power network to launch, with code open-sourced on GitHub 


NeuroNet global AI developer users surpass 10,000, serving over 500 AI-related universities and labs worldwide



1. Development of GPU Short-Term Rental Mode2. Launch of New Features on the Mainnet


1. Development of Smart Contract Functionality Support2. Enhancement of GPU Short-Term Rental Mode3. Support for Converting GameFi Games to Cloud GameFi


1. Support for Decentralized AIGC Projects to Develop Smart Contracts based on Neuro 2. Support for Decentralized AIGC Projects to Mine using Neuro GPU3. Completion of Smart Contract Functionality Development Testing


1. Support for Mining 3A GameFi using Neuro GPU2. Development of Neuro Swap Feature, Supporting Token Trading within the NeuroNet Ecosystem with Neuro Token on-chain

Why Do We Need GPUs?

The high parallel processing capability of GPUs makes them excel in handling graphics-intensive tasks and large-scale data processing tasks, making them indispensable in gaming and artificial intelligence fields.

Currently, the market value of the GPU chip leader NVIDIA exceeds $1 trillion, which is six times that of the CPU chip leader Intel, indicating a huge demand for GPUs, far exceeding that of CPUs.


Games and modern gaming typically involve complex 3D graphics and physics simulations. These tasks require extensive parallel processing, making the powerful graphics processing capabilities of GPUs highly suitable. Using GPUs can achieve smoother gaming experiences and higher graphical fidelity.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

In the field of artificial intelligence, especially in deep learning, handling large amounts of data and performing complex mathematical computations are required. These computing tasks are often para




Content about NeuroNet AI on this site is for educational purposes only and not intended as investment or financial advice. Engaging in transactions involving NeuroNet AI or its associated products carries inherent risks. The value of NeuroNet AI is subject to volatility and market fluctuations, with no assured profit or return on investment. Factors such as market trends, governmental regulations, and technological advancements may influence the token’s valuation. The NeuroNet AI team disclaims all liability for any potential losses incurred.  Given the inherent volatility of cryptocurrency markets, we strongly advise consultation with a qualified financial advisor prior to undertaking any transactions. This notice is subject to modification without prior announcement. NeuroNet Team.

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